My hubby and I thoroughly enjoy sitting down after the girls have gone to bed and watching our favourite programs on the box. One of our favourite shows was the inspiration for our first official Family Project.. An idea born from the 'want' to spend quality time together as a family unit with a minimum budget, separate from the everyday hustle and bustle that life brings.. something we could all do together.. with creative expression splashed around and a ton of fun!
Over the last few months, my hubby and I had been throwing ideas around on how we could build our very own chook pen.. Our excited 7 year old, Miss Tamar fell in love with the idea of having chickens.. Just to add to our little menagerie consisting of our dog Rusty, our Guinea Pigs, Jedi and Dash, and our Goldfish Speedy and Diamond.
So the plan was hatched :) - To use the girls old cubby house (which was really too small and not very exciting) and transform it into the chook pen!
Not the most fantastic photo, but you can see the original cubby house. So hubby built the stilts and base, a bit like a table - and placed the cubby house up on top and added rails to stop it from sliding off! He took the hinged door off for later use- and there it stood alone for months, until we could decide what was next..
Friends of mine had purchased some lovely hens of their own - 4 of them.. and had named them Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche & Rose affectionately named after The Golden Girls..
So this got me thinking about our favourite TV shows.. NCIS was a big one.. We both loved it.. We couldn't choose between NCIS or NCIS L.A.. So settling upon the female characters - we had named our hens before getting them - Hetty, Kensi, Abby and Ziva..
Abby -played by Pauley Perrette. Miss Tamar asked if we could buy Abby (our chicken) a dog collar with spikes.. |
Kensi - played by Daniela Ruah |
Hetty - Played by Linda Hunt |
Ziva - Played by Cote De Pablo |
Pleased with our choice in names.. that light bulb moment occurred for me and the title - HEN.C.IS Egg Quarters fell out of my mouth whilst in fits of laughter.. That was it.. Our plan was to create a secret agent theme, and Miss Tamar was so excited..
So with our theme sorted, and armed with our paintbrushes off we all went to begin painting it up. The girls, Miss Tamar (7) and Miss Willow (2.7) had so much fun, dripping and splashing the paint around!
Rusty - Supervising! |
Miss Tamar's Love heart blossoms |
Paint Jars |
Finished Product! |
Heart Warming Message To Our Chooks! |
Special Agent Chicken Mural.. :)
Now with the decorating done and dusted.. It was off to the produce store to purchase our new employees.. Well they will be working for scratchings and we will be paid in eggs.. lol
Rusty - Giving the new recruits their induction.. |
Ziva |
.jpg) |
The girls demonstrating a line- up! |
Ziva and Hetty - with Kensi in the background checking out her office space.. |
The ever curious - Abby checking the perimeter.. |
Hetty |
Signed, Sealed and Painted..
With Our first Family Project completed.. We are all proud as punch of our new little friends!
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